Uphold the highest level of customer satisfaction using ultra-micro analysis technology.

The polycrystalline silicon produced in our factory's reduction furnaces is sampled and analyzed to ensure the highest possible purity.  We utilize analysis equipment that differs depending on the application and perform high-precision ultra-­micro analysis to ensure the highest possible level of quality.


Fz (Floating Zone)

We sample the polycrystal­line silicon and use the float­ing zone method to convert it into single crystalline silicon. We can measure the semi-conducting electrical proper­ties of the material such as P/N type, resistivity and car­rier lifetime.

PL (Photoluminescence)

Donor and acceptor elements such as phosphorus, arsenic, boron and aluminum, affect the performance of a semiconductor material. We can detect the concentration of these elements down to the ppt level (parts per trillion) to ensure the highest quality.

ICP-MS (ICP Mass Spectroscopy)

We sample the polycrystal­line silicon and check for metallic impurities on the surface and bulk (interior), down to the ppt level (parts per trillion). During this analysis contamination must be kept under an absolute minimum. The test requires a spotless analysis environment and cutting-edge technology.

Analysis of Semiconductor-Grade Saline Products

The silicon tetrachloride and trichlorosilane that are by products of polycrystalline silicon production are used as raw materials for epitaxial semiconductors and fiber optic cables. Our saline is also subject to a range or purity tests, including GC, FTIR, ICP-AES and ICP-MS analysis.
GC: Gas Chromatography
FTIR: Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
ICP- AES: ICP Atomic Emission Spectroscopy
ICP - MS: ICS Mass Spectroscopy

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